Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Old young man

Some people live their entire lives
Figuring out life
What do I know?
I am just an old young man
With a paper and a pen in my hand
But I shout
And they feel I sing life!
I move
And they think I dance life!
But if I knew life
Had I figured it
Would I dance or
Would I ever shout?
Or would I simply tell them
It just cannot be simply told
Unlike most who think they know
I claim not
And nothing is in my grasp
Only a song
And a dance
Call it life
Or just call me
Very simply
Young and old

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2nd handed poems

2nd handed poems pierce my heart..

2nd handed poems don't make it any easy..
2nd handed poems escape the mind..
2nd handed poems come where they shouldn't be seen..
2nd handed poems are what life is..
Trying hard to be what it can be..

Don't ask..

Don't ask..
just take my hand.
The journey will be gruesome..
Battered, you just take my hand.
Leave behind all of yours and me..
But keep what can't be.
Standalone and take my hand..
Just when you think
You have clinched the fate..
You realise..
There was left a little space..

Always left..
Isn't it one of the most mystical ways..
Somehow you seem to always caught unawares..